Sunday Skins and New Ways to Pay
To keep us open and employees and players safe, the Sunday Skins game will now be tee times and no longer a shotgun. All players need to call ahead and reserve there tee time and let the club know the players in your group. We will send out and email to all players on Saturday with the tee times of each group. Please pay for your round ahead, by calling the pro shop or can purchase online by following the link below (for Sunday Skins Only). We will collect the $10 prior to your tee time, when you arrive. Payouts will be given out the following week, no hanging out in or around the Pro Shop. Please follow the new rules so we can all stay safe and stay open for all to enjoy.
#1: If you are sick or know someone that is sick, then you need to be home and not here. Be Responsible and Respectful and keep us all Safe and the Golf Course Open to Enjoy!
- No more than one foursome in the Pro Shop at one time.
- Please do not hang out in the Proshop or by the front door once you are done with your business inside.
- Please abide by the 6 ft social distance rules (Lines placed on the floor in front of the counter)
- BOOK & PAY ONLINE at Do it at home or from your phone in the parking lot
- Pay over the Phone when booking
- Read us your Credit Card Number at Front Desk
- Store your Credit Card under your profile (Safe & Secure) – Our Favorite and Easiest
- Purchase a Gift Card then just read us your Gift Card #
- Purchase Club Credit Online and add money to your profile
- Purchase an Annual or Monthly Membership or Punch Card
To Minimize Contact in the Pro Shop, we are asking all golfers to please try to purchase your rounds of golf in the following way to help us stay open and to keep all employees and customer safe and healthy