Course Set Up Update: 3/26/20
The Preserve at Turnbull Bay is still open and providing those an outlet to get out of the house and still practice Social Distancing. We have enacted additional changes to help keep out employees and customers safe and still enjoy the game of golf in these uncertain times. Below are some additional changes enacted on the course over the past week along with the other cleaning additions since the last update.
We still insist that you should bring sanitizer with you to keep your hands clean and if you are sick or know someone that is sick, please stay home or seek medical attention.
PINS & CUPS: All the cups are upside down so the ball will not fall to the bottom and easier to grab and the pins do not need to be removed, while putting or to retrieve your ball from hole.
CARTS: All carts are sanitized in between each round and we ask that you throw away your trash in the cart when you finish your round.
BUNKERS: We have removed all the rakes from bunkers, please use your feet to level off the area you hit from.
BOOKING & PAY ONLINE OPTION: Go to Website and you can book and pay online to minimize contact.
Just remember to keep your hands away from your face and wash or sanitize them regularly.
-The Preserve at Turnbull Bay